[Infosec MS] Nächster Termin am 24. Januar 2019

Sebastian Schinzel schinzel at fh-muenster.de
Mo Jan 7 14:42:51 CET 2019

Liebe Liste,

der nächste Infosec-Stammtisch wird am Donnerstag, den 24. Januar 2019
wieder ab 18:00 stattfinden. Location ist das Kruse Baimken, wieder im
großen Raum im Obergeschoss.

Frank hat in den letzten Monaten wieder Cyberkriminellen aus dem
Bankensektor auf die Finger geschaut und wird darüber berichten.

"This presentation is an in depth analysis about Hidden Cobra's FastCash
operations and its powerful AIX PowerPC malware suite, able to perform
fraudulent transactions at compromised payment switches and cashing out
millions of dollars simultaneously from ATMs located in 23 countries.
The talk shows how to reverse engineer the PowerPC assembly, the XCOFF
file format works, the very unusual injection process and of course the
real payload to perform the transaction manipulations. Moreover basics
on transaction authorization and routing and are also explained, as well
as the ISO8583 interchange message specification. Furthermore, different
libraries are compared and findings are derived, which provide valuable
information for future attacks of this kind."

Viele Grüße,

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schinzel

FH Münster
Stegerwaldstrasse 39
48565 Steinfurt

Tel.: +49 2551 962 188

Email: schinzel at fh-muenster.de
Web:   https://fh-muenster.de/it-sicherheit

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