[Infosec MS] Nächster Termin am 01. März 2018

Sebastian Schinzel schinzel at fh-muenster.de
Mo Feb 12 17:13:30 CET 2018

Liebe Liste,

der nächste Infosec-Stammtisch wird am Donnerstag, den 01. März 2018
wieder ab 18:00 stattfinden. Location ist das Kruse Baimken, wieder im
großen Raum im Obergeschoss.

Diesmal wird Frank Boldewin von einem münsteraner IT-Finanzdienstleister
einen Vortrag über Geldautomaten-Hacking halten:

Frank Boldewin - ATM Hacking - Past and Present Attacks

This talk introduces different methods of attack on ATMs and describes
their exact procedure. The tools of the attackers are shown on the basis
of real examples. Furthermore, an IDA library is presented, that
supports the reverse engineering process of ATM malware samples. At the
end of the presentation an APT malware will be shown that jackpotted
dozens of ATMs. Frank Boldewin is a reverse engineer and has long
experience in security & malware research. By day he works as a
security-architect for a financial datacenter. He is well known for his
researches on the Stuxnet case and his forensics tool Officemalscanner.

Viele Grüße,

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schinzel

FH Münster
Stegerwaldstrasse 39
48565 Steinfurt

Tel.: +49 2551 962 188

Email: schinzel at fh-muenster.de
Web:   https://fh-muenster.de/it-sicherheit

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