[Infosec MS] Nächster Termin: 26.10.2017
Sebastian Schinzel
schinzel at fh-muenster.de
Di Sep 26 23:39:23 CEST 2017
Liebe Liste,
der nächste Infosec-Stammtisch wird am Donnerstag, den 28. Oktober 2017
wieder ab 18:00 stattfinden. Location ist das Kruse Baimken, wieder im
großen Raum im Obergeschoss.
Diemal wird Marc Schönefeld eine Preview für einen Vortrag geben, den er
später auf einer Konferenz halten wird.
Titel: Grandma's old bag, how outdated libraries spoil Android app security
The diverse Android app stores are full of applications, written in
multiple languages and frameworks. When it comes to optimize for
performance and cutting-edge features the ultimate choice is using
specialized components written in C/C++. But with increased power comes
increased responsibility, as native components have the tendency to rot
over time and turn an installed application into a security nightmare.
OWASP has placed this scenario on their Top 10 list as "Using components
with known vulnerabilities".
In our research we switched from policy to practice, and examined a
sample of prominent apps with large downloads counts. Unfortunately even
in 2017 major vendors ship their colorful applications with well-known
security problems, some even having weekly updates on the functionality
side, but leaving the ugly backyard of outdated native libraries (even
with CVSS-10 vulnerabilities) untouched. The presentation will cover
this and other Android deployment antipatterns that leave the user in
danger of exploitation, enriched with recommendations and real-life
Viele Grüße,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schinzel
FH Münster
Stegerwaldstrasse 39
48565 Steinfurt
Tel.: +49 2551 962 188
Email: schinzel at fh-muenster.de
Web: https://fh-muenster.de/it-sicherheit
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